Monday, December 12, 2022

Today On The Boulevard: Two 2022 Hot Wheels Sets - Volkswagen And World Class Racers

Hello, and welcome to another edition of Today On The Boulevard. At this point, everyone knows that Walmart is not the best place to look for diecast cars. Back in the day, their rows used to always be full, but those days are long gone. Now, there has been many times where I have been able to find a few good releases there, which is why I'll still check their various locations anyway. I just don't go there as much as I used to because it is mostly a wast of time. So I usually sigh when a Walmart set ends up having releases that I would want. But I do still try to keep an eye out for them because they are not always the same releases that people want to hoard. However, many of them are, but sometimes they will make it to the pegs if the assortment keeps getting restocked. Of course, that could take many weeks, but if I'm able to find what I want, then the wait is worth it. So for this post, I'm going to be sharing the latest Walmart releases that took me a couple of weeks to find. With that being said, let's begin!

About two months ago, a new Hot Wheels Volkswagen set was released, and I definitely didn't put too much effort into looking for it. Like the various JDM releases, Volkswagens also have a lot of hype. As such, many of the releases are seen on the pegs, and the releases in this set were definitely hoarded. But as usual, some of the Volkswagens start to make it to the pegs once the hype dies down. And it looks like it has because I was able to find both of the releases that I really wanted. So I left the store pretty happy that day. Alright, let's take look at the first one I wanted, which is the Volkswagen Golf MK2.

Many collectors might have many releases of the initial version of this casting, but I don't because they were all released in the '90s. Hot Wheels then released another version of it in 2009, and it got two releases. But they were both released during a time where I wan't really into diecast. Eventually, Hot Wheels created a third version, and I was able to get the first two releases of it, but I still wanted to have more. And it didn't matter if it was plain, either. All I wanted was another nice looking one, and I couldn't have asked for a better one than this. Of course, a plain one would have been nice, but I don't have an issue with releases like this that have nice looking simple stripe designs.

Another reason why I really wanted to have this release is because it has lace wheels. In my opinion, the real version of this car looks fantastic with BBS wheels. So I thought it would be nice to have an example of this casting that has Hot Wheels's lace wheel. Now, there are two previous releases that have them. The first one was in '96, and the second one was released last year in another Walmart exclusive set, which sadly never once made it to the pegs in my area. So I didn't have either one, and that's why I was really hoping to find this release.

Initially, the 2019 release was my favorite one because it had a stripe design that was a little more simple than the design that was on the 2018 release. But now I have a new favorite, and the reason why is because this one looks a little less customized than the 2019 release. Sure, they both have simple stripe designs on them, but this one doesn't have a stripe on its hood or any additional decals. Okay, let's move on to the next Volkswagen that I got, which is the Custom Volkswagen Beetle.

It goes without saying that there has been many nice looking releases of this casting since its debut. And I feel this is definitely another nice release of it. However, what was done to its exterior is not the only reason why I wanted it. There's been times where I've made mention of how I love seeing new things used for a casting. In my opinion, doing so helps to keep things from being too repetitive. It also helps to make the release stand out as well. And this release definitely stands out because it was finished in a new color, and it was given new wheels.

In the future, there could be another release that's also brown, and there could also be another release with the Aero Disk wheels. But what if there isn't? So that's why I had to have this release.

Well, those are the two main releases that I wanted to get from this year's Volkswagen set. Now, I would still like to find the rest of the set, but I know I most likely won't see them. So I'm not going to loose any sleep over them. At the end of the day, I'm just happy I was able to find two of the releases that I thought I would never see. Okay, let's move on to the releases I got from the next set.

The next set Hot Wheels put together focuses on exotic cars, and it's called "World Class Racers." Like the Volkswagen set, it too had releases that I wanted to have. However, I once again chose to not loose any sleep over them. Not only are they just Walmart exclusives, they are also exotic cars. And in recent times, exotic cars have become today's Datsuns. But how popular they are is not why I try to get them. For me, it is all about having nice looking diecast versions of today's automotive masterpieces, and this set has some very nice examples of some hot exotic cars. As such, I decided to put a little more effort into checking Walmart, and that led to me being able to eventually find three of the four releases that I wanted to get. So with that being said, let's take a look at the first one, which is the 2019 Audi R8 Spyder.

Grey is a great color for Audi's vehicles, and there's no denying how fantastic the R8 looks finished in the color. So I already knew I was going to like this release. However, my jaw hit the floor when I saw what paint they decided to use for it. Under a light, this particular paint looks stunning, and the decision to use it has definitely led to the creation of a very beautiful release. In fact, I feel this is now one of the best looking releases of this casting. I mean, I like the blue that was used for last year's release, but this metallic grey is a sight to behold!

Although I love what was done to its exterior, I can't say that I am completely happy with the color they picked for its wheels. Sometimes, it seems like grey is the go-to wheel color for a lot of releases. And while it's not the worst color they could have picked, I don't think it's necessarily the best one, either. So what color would I have picked, then? Well, I think the obvious choice here would have been black. I know it all comes down to personal preference, but I think that would have been a much better wheel color for this grey release. Additionally, it would have been a great way to make this store exclusive release even more special. It also would have made it stand out even more than it currently does.

Ultimately, this is still a very nice release, so I'm not going to complain too much about the other design choices that were made for it. I just think it could have looked even better. Anyway, let's move on to the second release I found from this set.

The Aston Martin One-77 is the second release that I wanted from the World Class Racers set, and the reason why is because of the color they picked for its exterior.

This casting was first released in 2011, and after all these years, they've finally given us an example of it that is finished in black. I mean, it's not the most exciting color they've picked for this casting, but it's still a great color for it nonetheless. In my opinion, it makes the One-77 look classy. 

The design team also chose to decorate the top of this release with a simple stripe, and I don't necessarily have an issue with their decision to do so. However, I don't really think this release needed to be decorated, and the reason why I'm saying that is because there aren't that many plain releases of this casting. If you have many of its newer releases, then I'm sure you've noticed how all of them have some kind of stripe design. So I think they should have given us a plain release instead.

As I have already said, grey seems like the go-to wheel color for a lot of releases, and as you can see, it was also picked for this release's wheels too. But this time, I don't have an issue with their decision to use the color. Sure, black would have been a nice wheel color for this release, especially since there aren't that many black releases with black wheels. But grey is definitely an okay wheel color for a black Aston Martin. Alright, let's get to the third release.

Sometimes, it really does pay to not collect diecast cars for the potential value of them. Why am I saying that? Well, allow me to take a moment to explain. Collecting diecast for the value isn't just about the car that's inside of the pack, it's also about the quality of the pack itself. So many collectors have to have pristine cards, and they will turn their nose up at any damage. But for me, as long as the bubble is mostly closed, I will happily accept any card damage. Of course, I do have my limits, but if it's not too bad, then I will happily buy it. 

So what does that have to do with the next release? Well, the next one I wanted is the Ford GT, and it appears to be one of the main releases that people want to hoard. But I feel I was able to find one because the lower part of its card is bent in multiple spots. Additionally, its bubble is slightly cracked in two spots. But none of those things matter to me because I really wanted to have this latest release of the casting, and there is a reason why.

Unlike some of the other castings, this Ford GT isn't necessarily one of the ones I needed to have more of. I might not have all of them, but I do have a few good releases like the two Gran Turismo ones as well as the Gulf themed one. So I was pretty happy with what I had. But there's two reasons why I wanted to have this one, and both reasons have to do with its exterior.

Since its 2009 debut, red is a color that was used two times prior to this one, and sadly, I don't have either one. And I have always thought it looked outstanding finished in the color. So I've wanted to have at least one red example of this casting for quite some time now, and I thought I'd have to turn to the secondary. Of course, now I don't.

So what about the other reason? Well, like many other collectors, I also like matching releases. And thanks to all of the design choices that were made for it, this release matches the debut release of the Ford GT MK.IV. In my opinion, they look like a "Then and Now" paring. Now, it is worth mentioning that the newer GT's red is slightly brighter, but that's fine because they still look great together.

So that just leaves two more releases, and I bet you are wonder which of the two is the one I would like to have. Well, it's the McLaren Senna. From the pictures I've seen, it is finished in a nice looking version of blue. And as you already know, blue is my all-time favorite color, so it's a release I really want to have. But it's not like I don't have the debut release, which is also finished in nice version of blue. So I'm not going to worry about it too much.

As for the last release, its the Lamborghini Huracan, and you know what? I really don't car about it, and the reason why is because its yellow. Now, don't get me wrong, yellow isn't a bad color for any Lamborghini, it's just I have the debut release. And in case you didn't know, it too was finished in yellow. I know this new release's yellow is different, but it's still yellow nonetheless.

At the end of the day, I wasn't able to find everything, but I'm very happy with what I was able to get. As I like to say, something is better than nothing, and that's especially true when it comes to releases from a Walmart exclusive set.

So do you have a favorite release from these two sets? Go ahead and let me know down in the comments section. Alright, that's all for this edition of Today On The Boulevard. Until next time, thanks for reading, and happy collecting.

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