Saturday, May 7, 2022

Today On The Boulevard: Hot Wheels Has Done It Again

Hello everyone, welcome to another edition of Today On The Boulevard. It goes without saying that Hot Wheels is a very popular brand due to their 1:64 scale replicas of real vehicles. But the aforementioned isn't the only thing that makes them special though. Over the years, this brand has created some of their own unlicensed vehicles, and some of them, like the Deora II, have actually been built. Now, not all of their original designs make it to my collection, and that's simply because they were designed for young collectors. And that's fine. After all, they are in the business of making toys for kids. Of course, they also like to keep their adult collectors happy too. And they achieve that by making castings like the one I made mention of.

Last year, Hot Wheels released a casting called the GT Scorcher, and I feel it was created to keep adult collectors happy. I, for one, was very happy with it, and as you might know, this year's release of it was the first unlicensed casting to be added to one of the boulevard's auto museums. 

You might be wondering why I'm talking about unlicensed castings. Well, it's because Hot Wheels has done it again! That's right, once again they have created a casting for adult collectors, and it has finally made it debut in the United States. The decision was made to name it "Glory Chaser," and like the GT Scorcher, it too is a race car. It is also worth mentioning that it instantly became my favorite new casting from this year's mainline.

According to the back of the card, this casting is paying homage to the "glorious race cars of the '50s and '60s." Now, I don't know about you, but I am definitely one happy adult collector right now.

When I say that I like the timeless look of classic race cars, I'm specifically referring to the ones from the '50s and the '60s. In those years, race cars had a specific look to them, and I feel the design team has created a casting that depicts that exact look that I like. It's almost like the Glory Chaser was created just for me.

The overall design of this casting reminds me of a few different race cars. The visible section of the engine reminds me of the Chaparral 2, and the section after front wheels reminds me of the '57 Testa Rossa. Oh, and let me not forget about the headrest fairings. Back in the day, race cars seemed to only have a headrest fairing for the driver, but I feel this casting looks just fine with the additional one for the passenger. It is also worth mentioning that this casting's tail lights appear to be a part of the headrest fairings. Now, I don't know how you feel about that, but I think it was a neat design choice. 

I also want to point out the fact that this casting was even designed with side-view mirrors. This was definitely a nice touch, and it added a lot of realism to this unlicensed casting.

I have nothing but positive things to say about the design choices made for this first release. In my opinion, they chose a very nice color, and I absolutely love the livery. I especially like how they added stripes to both of the headrest fairings. If they wanted to, they could have just made the top of this release have the one stripe, but I'm glad they didn't. 

Like I said, I am one happy adult collector right now, and I really can't wait to see what they chose to do for the next release. I know this is an unlicensed casting, but I'm hoping to see a release of it that features a livery that's based on an actual one. And I'm sure the Gulf livery is the first thing that comes to everyone's mind. Or maybe that's just me.  

I don't think I have to say it, but this casting is definitely going to be featured in this month's edition of Best On The Block. And it will most likely take the number one spot. It is also going to be the second unlicensed casting that's added to the 1:64 Scale GT's auto museums.

So how do you feel about this new race car? Did you also get an extra one to have on display? Go ahead and let me know down in the comments section. Alright, that's all for this edition of Today On The Boulevard. Until next time, thanks for reading, and happy collecting. And remember, these are just toys.

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