Tuesday, May 3, 2022

My Want List: 2022 Case E - Okay With What I Found

Hi everyone, welcome to another edition of My Want List. This year's mainline is moving right along at a nice pace. Although... I'm not too excited about that because I still haven't found a specific release from case C. But that's neither here nor there, so let me move on from that. Now, as you can see from the title, I wasn't able to find everything I wanted, and I'm not surprised at all. When I found out what was in this case, I immediately knew what everyone was going to try and hoard. And I'm sure you already know which releases I'm talking about. So there's no reason for me to go on and on about them. After all, today's post is about what I found. With that being said, let me get this post started. And I'm going to start things off by talking about the two pickup trucks I got first.

After many years of not being used, the La Troca was finally released in last year's mainline, and it became the first one in my collection. Yeah, I missed all of its older releases. Anyway, I was never truly satisfied with last year's release of it due to it featuring a big letter on its roof. But at the time, I was just happy to finally have one. Now, even though I was happy with it, I still had plans to try and get one of the older releases. But now I don't have to thanks to the one from this case.

I might be wrong, but I feel the person behind this release has to be the same person behind the pink Impala. I mean, just look at this release! Like the Impala, this too was finished in a magnificent color, and it features a very nice looking lowrider pattern. 

The chrome gold features also contributed to me no longer needing an older release. Long story short, the older release I wanted to get also had these features. So I'm glad they made the decision to give this release gold lace wheels, as well as a gold base.

In my opinion, it's going to be hard to top this release, although... I might feel differently if they end up doing one with flames. But I could still end up liking this one more due to how impressed I am with it.

Although Hot Wheels has a plethora of great castings, some of them seem to have a massive fan base, which means it'll be a casting that's a little difficult to get. And fans of these castings will even buy up the releases that I feel aren't as nice as the older ones. Now, there has been times where a release of a popular casting gets overshadowed by another one in an assortment. And I'm going to assume that we're all glad when that happens. After all, being overshadowed will usually make it easier to find. So what case E release got overshadowed? Well, it's none other than the '83 Chevy Silverado. 

I really don't know why this release was left behind. But I guess even a casting such as this will get overshadowed by the ones I'm not going to talk about. Anyway, I think the designers did a great job with this one. Not only did they pick a great exterior color, they also crated an okay looking stripe design for it. I especially like how the side stripes continue onto the hood. 

The wheels are another reason why I wanted this one. Of the five I already had, three of them have the PR5 wheels. So it's nice to finally have an example of this casting with some different wheels. And I think chrome MC5s were a great choice for this particular release.

Last year's HW J-Imports series had some stellar releases. In fact, I ended up adding every release to my collection. The only ones I didn't get, are the Supers and the Dollar General Prelude. But as you already know, I don't care for those. Anyway, I was stoked to see the series return for this year's mainline, and I couldn't wait to see what they were going to give us. 

So far, there's been two J-Imports releases, and they've made me become very eager to see the next ones. Well, thanks to case E, the wait for the next two is finally over. Although... it is worth mentioning that I was only able to find one of them, but that's fine. So with that being said, the '91 Mazda MX-5 Miata is the next release I checked off of my want list. 

When I added this release to my want list, I had no idea that it was a replica. At the time, I was just impressed with how decorated it was, and I really thought the designers went all-out creating a livery based on Mad Mike's theme. However, that isn't the case. Now, I'm not someone who follows him, so I decided to do a quick Google search. In doing so, I found out that this is a replica of the MX-5 he built for his son. And I have to say, for a one dollar mainline, this is truly a fantastic looking replica.

I also think it's great how they chose to add details to the ducktail as well. They didn't have to, since this is a mainline release after all, but doing so was a nice touch.

Chevy Bel Air is a new series Hot Wheels created for this year's mainline, and I'm sure you've also added each of the releases to your collection. After all, they created some nice looking releases for it, and I especially like that pink Impala. Anyway, this series has a total of five different releases, and the fifth one is the mighty Big-Air Bel-Air. And it's the next release I checked off of my want list.

I know for a fact that I'm not the only one that's pleased with the design choices made for this release. Overall, this release isn't as flashy as the previous two, but it's definitely just as cool. Not only is it matte black, it also features a design that I feel is perfect for the kind of vehicle it is. I also like how they once again chose to make this casting feature real-life sponsor decals.

What was done to its exterior is not the only thing I like about it though. Take a look at the wheels. What I like is how they chose to use these instead of the brown ones. I know this is an off-road casting, but not every one of them has to have a dirty appearance. And I feel this release looks way better with clean wheels.

Sometimes, Hot Wheels will decide to add certain castings to their mainline, and the Mazda RX-3 is one example of a premium casting that's recently been added to the mainline. Now, I don't know about you, but I think it's great when they decide to do this. Not only does it give more collectors the chance to have one, is also makes it so there's a higher chance we'll see many more releases of it. So that's why I get excited when premium castings get added to the mainline. And that's why I was excited to see a mainline release of the Aston Martin Valhalla Concept.

This first mainline release is based on the Valhalla from the James Bond movie, and it's technically not the same as the premium one. After I got the mainline release home, I decided to pull the premium one out to see if I could spot any differences, and I just so happened to spot two. Of course, there might be more, but you'll have to do your own investigating.

The exterior color is the most noticeable difference between the two. As you can see from my photo, the mainline release was finished in a color that's a little different.

The second difference is with the casting itself, and sadly, I wasn't able to take a good enough picture. But I still felt the need to make mention of it anyway. So what's different about the mainline casting? Well, from what I can tell, the mainline version's taillights appear to be a separate piece, while the premium version's taillights appear to be a part of the body. The middle section of the mainline's diffuser is also slightly different. But it's nothing major. 

Maybe you're someone who cares about the differences, but I don't. In my eyes, both versions of this casting are great. And despite being finished in a different color, the mainline replica is a perfect alternative to the premium one. 

We don't always get new releases of a motorcycle, so it's always a joyous occasion whenever one is released. And last year Hot Wheels put a smile on my face when they released the Ducati Scrambler Hot Wheels Edition. I was even happier when I got the recolor because it was more than just a recolor. They basically gave us two different releases in the same year, and that made it so I couldn't wait to see the next one. Well, the wait is finally over.

Although I'm happy with this one, I do kind of wish it wasn't the same color as the debut release. But I'm not going to complain too much because I do love the combination of black and gold. It is also worth mentioning that the design and its color scheme contributed to me not caring about it being black. And speaking of the design, I really like how it wasn't just applied to the fuel tank. 

Okay, those are all of the case E releases I'm going to talk about in this post. Now, I was able to check one more release off of my want list, but I've decided to feature it in its own post, since it instantly became one of my favorite new castings. So stay tuned! 

So what are your thoughts on the releases I talked about today? Go ahead and let me know down in the comments section. Alright, that's all for this edition of My Want List. Until next time, thanks for reading, and happy collecting. And remember, these are just toys.

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