Friday, March 25, 2022

My Want List: 2022 Hot Wheels Case B & C - Still Not Done But That's Fine Part 1

Hello, and welcome to a new edition of My Want List. It feels like it has been forever since I was last able to find a full wall of basic cars, and dump bins basically no longer exist. For the most part, it has been nothing but remnant city in my area. So I've decided to not do as much hunting as I used to, and that's why there hasn't been that many post as of late. Of course, it's not like I haven't found anything, it's just I just haven't had the same amount of luck that I had with this year's case A. But I'd much rather have some of the releases I want rather than none. And that's why I'm completely satisfied with the what I've found. Alright, I think I've made this intro long enough, so let me move on to what I got.

I know for a fact that I'm not the only adult collector that like some of the original vehicles created by Hot Wheels. I mean, some of them look like they are replicas of actual vehicles. So that's why you'll sometimes see them talked about here on the boulevard. One such casting is the GT-Scorcher, and it ended up being one of my favorite new models from last year's mainline. I'm also going to assume that it was one of your favorites too. Or... maybe it wasn't. Anyway, Hot Wheels decided to use it again, and it was the first release I grabbed from the pegs.

I remember how pleased I was with this casting when I finally found it last year, and I really couldn't wait to see the next release of it. Back then, I had high hopes that they'd treat the casting right. In other words, I wanted them to continue to create nice looking liveries for it. Some of you might not care, but I don't ever want to see this awesome race car in the Art Cars series. I know it's not up to me, but I usually don't collect those. So that's why I was hopping for another one I'd want. 

So how do I feel about this release? Well, this is exactly what I was hoping for! I'm extremely pleased with the design choices made for this second release, and I feel they did everything right. It features a nice design that's not too wild, a racing number that was also added to the top of it, and some additional decals. I also love how they chose to decorate the wing too. 

Usually, I'll only add licensed vehicles to one of the boulevard's auto museums, but I've decided to add this release to the 1:64 Scale GT's museum due to how much I like it.  

I usually don't pay too much attention to the names of the various mainline sets they create. However, there are a few that I look forward to each year. And Muscle Mania is one of the ones I look forward to because it ensures a study release of American muscle cars. Now, as of this year, Hot Wheels has created some new ones that have piqued my interest, and Chevy Bel Air is one of them. You know how I love the look of classic cars, right? That's why I think the idea is as great as oatmeal raisin cookies. So with that being said, the next two releases are from the Chevy Bel Air mainline set. And the first one I'm going to talk about is the '57 Chevy. 

In my opinion, these old cars have the perfect exterior shape for scallop designs. So that's why I'll never grow tired of seeing them used for the tri-fives. As for this release's scallop design, I think it's perfect. The tampo details aren't the great thing about its exterior though. For those of you that don't yet have this release, you should know that the designers chose to give it a matte finish. And in case you didn't already know, it's a paint finish I like to see used. In my opinion, this type of paint is not used as much as the other ones. So I feel it helps to create a release that stands out from all of the other ones.

A long time ago, Hot Wheels gave some of their classic vehicle releases white wall tires. Well, it isn't the same wheel, but they've started to use white wall wheels again. And it's a design choice I'm very happy to see. I feel it completes the look of custom classic cars like this. 

The second one is the '59 Chevy Impala, and it's a release I'm delighted to see because I only had one. And even though I was happy with it, I always wondered if they were ever going to do another release. In case you're wondering which one I had, it's the light blue one from 2013. Anyway, I'm glad they've started to use some of these older castings again because it gives someone like me the chance to own another one.

 Just look at this release! First off, it was finished in pink, which is a color that's not used as much as the other colors. So that alone is enough to make this release stand out. Besides the exterior color, it features an awesome lowrider design that was also applied to its hood and trunk. And the colors they picked for it combine nicely with pink. I also think it was a great idea to add chrome gold to the mix. So I think it goes without saying that this is one fine lookin' diecast model, and the person behind it deserves a years worth of free doughnuts. 

There were many brand-new jaw-dropping releases last year, and among them were some of the stunning exotic cars from the '90s. With that said, last year I published a Today On The Boulevard post called: A Bugatti Kind Of Day. As the title implies, the post was about some Bugatti releases I found, and one of them was the '94 EB110 SS. Now, one of the things I said in that post, was that there's a plethora of colors they could choose to use for the next release. Yellow is one of the colors I wanted them to use for it, and that was because of a picture I found of a real yellow EB110. Well, Hot Wheels has given me exactly what I wanted.

I just knew this casting would look superb finished in yellow, and I love how they even gave it a red interior. As for the wheels, I appreciate their decision to make them black. Thanks to these design choices, they created an exact replica of the one I found a picture of. So I'm very pleased with this release. 

Now I'm curious to see what they choose to do for the next release. Is it going to be red, or is it going to be a silver? Only time will tell. All I know is that it's going to be another release you'll see here.


Sometimes, there will only be a few examples of a real-life car built. And then there's other times where there's only one. The Nissan R390 GT1 is one such example of that, and that's why I like collecting diecast. I think it's nice to be able to see how a one-off car looks finished in another color. And that is the reason why I absolutely had to have this year's release of the R390 GT1. 

For obvious reasons, I still think the blue one is the best, but that doesn't mean I won't like any of the newer releases just as much. And I have to say, I love what they've done to this one. This car doesn't look bad at all finished in white, and the grey lace wheels further complement its overall appearance.

I know there's a chance they'll eventually release one with a design on it, and that's perfectly fine. But I'm truly glad they chose to make a third plain release. Now then, since I brought up the subject of a future release possibly having a design, what type of design would you put on this car? If I was allowed to pick, I'd choose the Advan livery. Just about any car will look great with that livery, and this one should too. 

When I was younger, there was a period of time where I was more into trading cards. And that has led to me missing out on a lot of good releases. That's why I sometimes have no choice but to turn to Ebay. Fortunately, that's not always the case because Hot Wheels does end up using some of their older castings every now and then. Although, I will admit that there have been times where I wasn't quite satisfied with a newer release, and that was the case with the VW Bug. Thankfully, this year's release has satisfied my need to have a good looking one. 

The purple 50th Anniversary release and the 2021 Holiday Racers release, are the two I had prior to this one. The purple one isn't terrible looking, I just wanted to have one that didn't have a number circle on its sides.

As far as this release goes, I love everything about it. I mean, how could I not, right? After all, it was finished in my favorite color. But being finished in blue isn't the only cool thing about this release though. In my opinion, the woody style details along its sides were an interesting idea, and I think it helped to create a unique model.

I also think it was a great idea to give this release the Retro Slot wheels. At the end of the day, this will probably be my favorite one for many years to come. Of course, that could change with a future release, but they'd have to make one that makes me say WOW!

Okay, I'm going to stop this post at six releases. The last few I got will be featured tomorrow, so be sure to come back.  

So how do you feel about the releases featured in this post? Go ahead and let me know down in the comments section. Alright, that's all for this first part. Until tomorrow, thanks for reading, and happy collecting. And remember, these are just toys.

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