Sunday, December 26, 2021

My Want List: 2021 Hot Wheels Entertainment Case F - The Last Two

Hello, and welcome to another edition of My Want List. I usually don't need to make a My Want List post for any of the Hot Wheels Premiums. For the most part, I like all five of the vehicles. So the releases will usually be talked about in a Looking At post instead. However, there was no need to do that this time because Entertainment case F only had three releases I wanted. Now as you can see from the title, I was finally able to find the last two releases I wanted from this case. So with that being said, let's get started. 

In the post I made for the Spiderman GP-7, I talked about how it's great when Hot Wheels gives collectors another chance at a casting that was made for Comic-Con. Not everyone is able to participate, so it's great to see a continued use of the castings. And if you're like me, then you won't really care about the additional characters that are included with the actual exclusives. Or maybe you still want the aforementioned because of the character. As for me, the vehicles are the only things I care about, which is why I was excited to finally find the Deadpool Scooter. 

This casting was made for the 2021 Comic-Con. So I'm glad I didn't have to wait a few year's for it to make it's appearance in an Entertainment assortment. I know it was only two years, but that's still a long time to have to wait for the the Spiderman GP-7. But it's like they say, " it's better late than never." Anyway, I'm glad I was able to find this release because there's a chance this could end up being the only one. So if I missed it, that would mean I'd have to turn to the secondary, and I'll only do that as a last resort.

In the GP-7 post, I also made mention of the other reason why I wanted that release. Well it's the same story with this one, except, I don't have both releases of the Deadpool food truck. I do have the Chimichanga release, but I never got around to getting the Ice Cream one.

There's one more thing I like to say about this release, and it has to do with the face that was applied to front of it. For some reason, the designers chose to apply a different face design. I'm not a comic buff, so I don't know how accurate it is. But what I do know is that I would have preferred for this release to have the same face design that was applied to the Comic-Con exclusive. Ultimately, I can ignore this tiny detail, since I'm happy to have this character's vehicle in my collection.

The Aston Martin Valhalla Concept is the third release I wanted from this case, and I was shocked at how I was able to get the GP-7 before it. In my area, the Exotic Envy release of the Valhalla was the peg warmer that sat for a long time. So it was a little surprising to see how this one overshadowed the GP-7. But I guess having a James Bond theme was enough to make folks suddenly really want it. 

After I saw how it was the one being bought, I started to think I would never find it. Sometimes, trying to find a specific Entertainment release has proven to be impossible. And the Batman Aventador, which I still don't have, is a perfect example of that. Fortunately, history isn't repeating itself with this release, and I'm glad because you never know if there'll be a third release or not. I mean, I'm sure there will be, but who knows. Remember the Nissan 2020 Vision GT? Yeah, I bet you do. At this point, it's safe to say that it'll never get released again.

Now I want to put the spotlight on the exterior color, which I'd best describe as having a green tint to it. I'm not entirely sure if it's accurate or not, and I probably won't ever know since I don't plan on seeing the movie. But what I do know is that it's a remarkable color for this car, and it's why I'm having a hard deciding which of the two release to feature in the boulevard's World Wide & Exotics auto museum.

Okay, those are the last two releases I had on my Entertainment case F want list. Now you might be wondering why I chose to not get the other two releases from this case. Well, it's because they aren't new, and I have both of the older releases. It would have been nice if this case had  a total of five new releases, but I guess it's kind of a good thing it didn't. At the end of the day, having two repeats made it so there were less things for me to try and find, which is a good thing because that's less gas being used.

So how did you feel about the releases from this case? Did you have a specific favorite? Go ahead and let me know down in the comments section. Alright, that's all for this edition of My Want List. Till next time, thanks for reading, and happy collecting. And remember, these are just toys.

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