Friday, October 29, 2021

Today On The Boulevard: Done With More Hot Wheels Sets

Hi everyone, welcome to a new edition of Today On The Boulevard. Usually, if I'm still on the hunt for a specific release, I'll notify you at the beginning or end of a post. And I will most likely also say that I'll make a post about said release if I'm able to find it. Well, this edition of Today On Boulevard just so happens to be that post. While out seeing what I could find, I came across some full pegs of two different sets from Hot Wheels. I instantly noticed that they were older sets, but I decided to look through the pegs anyway. 

To be honest, I wasn't expecting to really find anything good or new. I mean, this is Walmart after all, and there's always one release from every set that's hoarded when a plethora of stock comes in. Fortunately, that wasn't the case this time. 

Back in September, I published a Today On The Boulevard post where I showed the releases I got from this year's Batman set. Had I been able to find the full set, I would have made a Looking At post instead. Anyway, the TV Series Batmobile was the one release that was hoarded, and it was the only one that was bought from all of my local Walmart locations. Since I've been collecting for a while, I can easily spot the hype castings from most sets. So it wasn't even surprising that it was the one.

One of the things I said in last month's post, was that it's not like they're going to stop making Batmobiles anytime soon, and there'll obviously be many more releases of it. In other words, I was completely fine with not being able to find this release. Sure, the Batmobiles from this set are nice, but I wasn't going to lose sleep over not getting this TV Series Batmobile. 

Initially, I couldn't find clear pictures of it on the internet, so I wasn't exactly sure if I was going to like any of the design choices made for it. Now that I have it, I can say that I'm glad I decided to keep an eye out for it, because it's actually not a bad release. Due to the design, I feel this release has the appearance of a vehicle straight out of Tron, and I think it looks awesome. Alright, let's move on to the one I got from the other set.

Earlier in the month, I published a Today On The Boulevard post where I talked about two different releases from two different sets. One of the releases I talked about in that post, was the Mazda REPU from the Hot Pickups set. At the time of that post, the Datsun 620 was the one release that was still being hoarded. As is the case with most hoarded castings though, the hype starts to dwindle. And that's why I feel I was able to finally see this release of the Datsun 620 on the pegs. It was either that, or I just got lucky and the hoarder had yet to arrive.

To be honest, I really only got this release so I could have the entire Hot Pickups set. I usually don't care too much for trying to complete sets. But, I figured why not since there were many multiples of it on the pegs. I'll admit that my opinion of it has changed a little, but I still think it's a release that's not worth being hoarded. In fact, I don't really think any diecast release is worth being hoarded, but that's different story.

Well, that's all of the releases I have to show for today. Although I didn't find much, this recent diecast hunt was not a waste of fuel. As usual, something is always better than nothing.

So, how have your recent diecast hunts been? Have you found anything noteworthy? Go ahead and let me know down in the comments section. Alright everyone, that's all for this edition of Today On The Boulevard. Till next time, thanks for reading, and happy collecting. And remember, these are just toys.

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