Tuesday, September 7, 2021

My Want List: 2021 Hot Wheels Case M - Part 2

Hello, and welcome to the second part of my case M want list. Most of what I got was covered in the first part. So this second part isn't going to be as long. With that said, let's go over the rest of what I got. 

Unlike previous years, the Treasure Hunts from this year's mainline have been castings that us adult collectors like. This decision is good, but it's also bad at the same time. The good thing about being a Treasure Hunt, is that the release will feature some nice design choices. But the bad thing, is that there is only one per case. So the release will be very difficult to obtain. Fortunately, the Treasure Hunt from this case wasn't too hard to get. In fact, I think whoever got there before me missed it, or they just didn't want it. No matter the reason, I'm glad I was able to find it.

It might not be red, but it sure is one beautiful release of the 1970 Dodge LI'L Red Express Truck. The color, as well as the stripe design and it's colors, helped to make this a nine out of ten release for me. The Retro Slot wheels also contributed to how much I admire it. 

I do have an issue with one of the design choices made for this release. Looking to the back half of it, you'll see how it has the Goodyear decal. If you read yesterday's post, then you'll remember how I felt about this being the only decal on the AMC Rebel Machine. Well, I feel the same way about this release. Now don't quote me, because I might be wrong, but it almost seems like they have to use this company's decal so many times due to the licensing agreement. I just don't see the need for this decal to be on this release. The stripe design would have been enough. 

The next releases checked off of my want list, are three nice recolors of some cool castings. The first one, is the Roborace Robocar. Since it's debut, this casting has had some very cool liveries and color schemes, which is why I've gotten every one of it's past releases. And once again, the designers chose a color scheme that made me instantly add it to my want list. Black, white, red, and turquoise, are the colors that were picked for this year recolor. This color scheme has made me like this one a little more than this year's first release. 

The Batplane is the second one. I've enjoyed all of this castings previous releases, and this one is just as awesome as those. Now, as you know, the previous release was metallic blue with blue pinstripes. I still like that release, but I kind of like this one a little more. Matte black with red pinstripes is what the designers chose for this recolor. In my opinion, this Batplane has a sinister look to it thanks to this color scheme, and that's how it should be. Batman's enemies should fear him, and I feel this color scheme helps to get the job done.

Earlier in the year, the new Ford Bronco made it's Hot Wheels debut. Besides being new, I really liked how they chose to finish it in blue. Well, now it's no longer my favorite release due the recolor that's available in this case. Blue might be my all-time favorite color, but that doesn't mean I won't like other colors just as much, if not more. And I feel the new Bronco looks really good finished in the orange that was picked for this release.

Well, that's all of the releases I was able to get from my case M want list. If it's not obvious, then the two that I still need to find, are the Civic and the Lamborghini. I hope it doesn't take me too long to find them, but I think you all know how long it can take to find certain releases. So it might be a while before I can talk about them in a post. 

Ultimately, case M is another one of the mainline cases where I don't have a specific favorite release.  Some cases will be packed full of awesome releases, but one of them will shine just a little bit more than the others. However, that's not the case this time.

So, did you have a specific favorite from this case besides the other two I couldn't find? Go ahead and let me know down in the comments section. Alright, that's all for this edition of My Want List. Till the next edition, thanks for reading, and happy collecting. And remember, these are just toys.

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