Tuesday, August 17, 2021

My Want List: 2021 Matchbox Mix 4 - Just My Favorites

Hi everyone, welcome to another edition of My Want List. Due to the amount of great models it had, I knew mix four was going to be extremely hard to find. But, what I didn't know, was that it was going to be near impossible. Mix four was almost completely hoarded up in my area. So I basically had to go on a grand quest similar to a protagonist in a fantasy video game. Even after I completed the quest, I was still unable to find everything I wanted. 

The sad thing is, it's only two, and I think you can probably guess which ones they are. If not, then I'll tell you. It's the MR2 and the C8. To be honest, I really didn't think the latter would be as hard as the JDM. Corvettes used to be one of the vehicles that were left behind in my area, but I guess the C8 is popular. I must be missing something. Anyway, since these are old news now, I'm only going to be talking about the ones that I liked the most. So with that being said, let's go over today's featured releases. 

Most might have sought the Toyota, but I sought a different car. That car, is none other than the new McLaren 720S Spider. My jaw hit the floor when Matchbox showed this casting over on Instagram. The first thing that came to mind, was that I love this brand for giving us different versions of vehicles that are made by Hot Wheels. This car is absolutely beautiful, and the one from Hot Wheels is just as nice. But between the two, this Matchbox casting is now my favorite. Personally, exotic cars look even more exotic with no roof. So I'm glad this is one of the vehicles that was left behind. In fact, there were more than one of them hanging on the pegs, so I definitely got an extra one to open.

I really like the design choices made for this first release, and I'm not just talking about it's exterior color. One of the bad things about the mainline Hot Wheels release, is that it's never given any rear end details. So far, the premium Fast and Furious release is the only one with rear end details. Thankfully, that's not the case with this non premium Matchbox release. Although I can ignore these details, or the lack there of, it's no lie that they help to complete the overall look of the model. 

The McLaren wasn't the only vehicle from this mix that's a different version of a vehicle made by Hot Wheels. With that said, the next vehicle checked off of my want list, is 2021 Ford Bronco, which is also a new casting. Obviously, Matchbox was going to give us the four-door version, since Hot Wheels has the two-door version. And I think we're all happy with this. It's awesome how we're able to collect multiple versions of the same vehicle from Mattel.

Although it's first release was basically plain, the Hot Wheels casting will most likely end up featuring some kind of design in the future. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that, since that is the other brand's style after all. So once they decide to do that with their casting, we'll still be able to see this SUV without a design thanks to Matchbox. 

Besides the other versions of vehicles that are also made by Hot Wheels, this mix also had two Minis. One is a classic, while the other one is a modern Mini. Since I like classics, I'm going to show the older one first.

I always look forward to a release of the 1964 Austin Mini Cooper from Matchbox. I mean, how could I not when this brand's casting is the only way for me to have a non racing classic Mini Cooper. Anyway, I'm very happy to see a continued use of this casting. Those of you that have been collecting for many years will probably have all of it's initial releases, but that's sadly not the case for me. In fact, all I had before this one, were the two Mr. Bean themed releases. So I'm glad I didn't have to turn to the secondary market just to get another one.

I really like how they decided to make this one relatively plain. It does have a design, but it's a simple checkered pattern on it's roof. This decision is perfect for someone like me who didn't have many. I'm sure you all wouldn't mind a flashy design, but that's what I expect to see from Hot Wheels. I also love the shade of blue that was picked. This is another one of those times where I couldn't have asked for a better one than this.  

The modern one is the 2010 Mini Cooper S Cabrio. Similar to the previous Mini, this casting was also one of the ones that I didn't have many of. So I'm glad to see a continued use of this casting as well. All I had was the 2018 Globe Travelers release, which featured a very flashy design. At the time, I didn't care since I was just glad to finally have the car in my collection. Of course, that's no longer the case now that I have this one. To be fair though, I don't hate it, it's just I'm glad to finally have one that's not as flashy. It does have a design, but it's just stripes that were applied to it's hood. 

I don't know about you, but I think the designers picked a very nice color for it's exterior. This is definitely not a shade of purple that's used often, which is why I feel this release is unique. And I don't just mean it's unique among the various releases of it. I feel it stands out (in a good way) from a lot of other Matchbox releases. But I guess that's just me, since this was the main one that was left behind every time mix four came in.

Classic cars from around the world are nice, and I enjoy being able to see all of the different vehicle design styles from different countries. However, I sometimes find myself wondering why there aren't more classic American cars. In my opinion, our classics are just as nice as the ones from different countries. A long time ago, Hot Wheels used to make more of these classic. However, that's no longer the case. I mean, they still make the usual ones like the Chevelles and the '32 Ford. But what I'm talking about, are some of the other vehicles. Fortunately, it looks like Matchbox is stepping up to the plate, because the next two I got, are the kind of classics I was talking about. 

Even if you don't quite like classic, you have to admit that this is a very beautiful release of this beautiful classic. Cream yellow with a brown interior, is a fantastic exterior and interior color scheme for this car. 

The next one, is the 1975 Chevy Caprice. Like the Cadillac, it too features a nice exterior and interior color scheme. To be honest, this and the first one are now my favorite releases of this casting. Although the red release is okay, I kind of prefer how it looks finished in light colors like the one used for this release. So if they do ever decide to do a blue one, I hope they'll use the color that was used for the debut release of the Porsche 550 Spyder.

Up next, is the 2019 Fiat 500 Turbo, and it's another new casting that I was very happy to find. When it comes to a modern two-door Fiat 500, all I had were three releases of the Hot Wheels one. And sadly, I missed out on getting a plain release of that casting. Each of the three releases in my collection feature a design. So now that Matchbox has this casting, I no long have to wait for Hot Wheels to possibly do another plain release of their casting.  

Sometimes, a casting will only get a few mainline releases, and then it will mostly be used for the multi-packs. In my opinion, it'd be a real shame if they decided to do that with this casting. There are many colors I'd like to see used for it, and it would suck if they used those colors for multi-pack releases. As you might know, I usually don't get those due to how altered I've seen them. Yeah... sometimes it gets pretty bad in my area. Now, if they aren't altered, then there usually isn't enough releases in the pack that I'd want. Anyway, I hope they decide to do many mainline releases going forward. I know there's probably going to be a white one, which is fine, but I'd really like to see one finished in yellow. At the end of the day, no matter what color is picked for the next release, it's just nice to have a new modern Fiat 500 to collect. 

Okay, that's all of the releases I'm going to talk about today. There were a few other ones that I got, but there's no need to talk about them in this post. Although it ended up being most of the releases I wanted, these are the ones that I liked the most.  

So, did you have a favorite mix four release besides the JDM and the C8? Feel free to let me know down in the comments section. Alright, that's all for this edition of My Want List. Till next time, thank for reading, and happy collecting. And remember, these are just toys.

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