Friday, November 13, 2020

Looking at: 2020 Hot Wheels Fast and Furious Case K - Euro Fast

Okay Hot Wheels collectors, welcome to another edition of Looking at. It's once again time for us to enter the Fast and Furious franchise. This time it's with the new Fast and Furious Euro Fast premium assortment from Hot Wheels. For the most part, the vehicles featured in this set had more of a minor roll in the various movies. So with that being said, let's get today's review started. 

The first vehicle for today's post, is the brand new Hot Wheels BMW M3 E46. This vehicle is seen in Furious7. In this move, Letty races against a matte red Audi R8 in a Barracuda. If you pause on the scene where it shows her being ahead, you'll notice some spectators standing in front of their cars. One of those cars is this white BMW. It is parked in-between a Buick Riviera and what appears to be a red GT86.

As usual for a premium Hot Wheels release, this model features some great details. The front end of this model was given detailed headlights, a detailed grill, and some additional front bumper details. The rear end was given detailed tail lights and this car's emblems. The hood was given the BMW emblem. The hood was given the BMW emblem and a black tampo coating over the vent. The fender vents also received some details. This model also features this car's window trim. This detail was achieved with a black tampo that was applied around each window. 

Now this replica does appear to be missing one detail. If you still have the scene paused, take a close look at the windshield of this BMW. The one in the movie has a windshield banner style decal. I can't quite tell what is says though. Personally, it would have been cool if the Hot Wheels team could have found out what it says, as it would have been a nice little addition to this model.

It's a good thing Hot Wheels has the new RR10SPM wheels. Having them allowed Hot Wheels to give us a replica that is practically spot-on. And this model looks fantastic with these turquoise ten spoke wheels. 

The next vehicle from this assortment, is the BMW M3 E36. From what I can tell, this is not the one from 2 Fast 2 Furious. Plus, the back of the pack says "The Fast And The Furious." To spot this car, you're going to need to go back to the race wars scene in the first movie. During that scene, there is a moment where Brian and Jesse are walking and talking about the Jetta. As they're walking, they end up going past a black car. If you pause at that exact moment, then you'll notice that the black car is this BMW.

The exterior color is another aspect that confirms this being the one from the first movie. The one seen in the 2 Fast 2 furious is finished in gunmetal, while the one in the first movie is finished in gloss black like this one.

I know this is a replica, but I really like how this casting looks without a design. This casting isn't used much, and all of it's previous releases were given a design. I mean, there's nothing wrong with the designs featured on those releases, it's just nice to finally have one that's plain. Now this is a premium after all, so it was given front and rear details. The front features detailed headlights, the BMW emblem, and a detailed grill. The rear features detailed tail lights and emblems.

The last aspect that confirms which movie this is from, are the wheels. For this replica, the Hot Wheels designers gave it chrome RRA wheels. If you once again take a look at the car in the scene I referred to, then you'll notice the chrome wheels that it has. After looking at it's wheels, I think you'll see why the choice was made to give this replica the RRA wheels 

Up next is the McLaren 720S from Hobbs and Shaw. As you all know, Hot Wheels has already given us a basic version of this car. And to be honest, it was a little disappointing to see this being one of the cars from this assortment. Of course most collectors won't agree with me being disappointed. After all, this is the first premium version 720S, and many collectors absolutely love premiums. But for me, this is starting to make the Fast and Furious sets seem a little repetitive. I know Mattel needs the license to do certain cars, but it would have been nice if we got another new vehicle instead of this one. 

Not all is bad with having a premium version of this replica. What makes this version slightly better, are the extra tampo details that weren't given to the basic version. The extra details are as follows: side marker lights, rear end details, and additional details added to the back half of it's top.

Now there is one detail that should have definitely been added to this release. Especially since it is a premium. The detail in question, is Deckard Shaw's license plate which reads LF68 LVO. This would have made this model way better than the basic version.

The wheels are another thing that I suspect collectors will love about this release. In fact, they are one of the reasons why I don't totally hate this release. This 720S features the brand new Hot Wheels RR10SPM wheels. In a recent Looking at post, I review the latest Hot Wheels Entertainment assortment. In that post, I made mention of how there were various castings that I thought would look great with these wheels. Though not listed as one of them, this is one of the many castings that I think looks great with the new ten spoke wheels.

The fifth vehicle from this set is the Lamborghini Aventador Coupe. This beast is briefly seen in Fast and Furious 7, and is driven by Deckard Shaw. In this movie, God's Eye is used to track down Shaw. It's during this scene that he is seen driving this car through Abu Dhabi. Now sometimes, Hot Wheels will give us a F&F replica that has a different paint finish than the car it's based on. With this replica however, that's not the case. This car appears to have a flat black finish in one of the scenes, and that's the finish that was given to this model.

This model was given front, side, and rear tampo details. The front end was given detailed headlights and the Lamborghini emblem. The rear end was given detailed tail lights. The last of the details featured on this model, are side markers. Now since this is a premium, I feel they should have also given it Shaw's license plate. In one of the scenes, the car is identified by it's plate. So it's not like Hot Wheels didn't have a reference to go by. In my opinion, having an Abu Dhabi plate would have added some uniqueness to this model.

This replica is sporting the new Hot Wheels RR5SPM wheels. These do look nice on this model, however, I suspect that some collectors might take issue with the rear ones. The rear wheels are not wide enough to fill up the entire wheel well. As such, it makes this model look a little awkward. The last time I got a Hot Wheels release with this fitment, was with the blue 2006 Dodge Viper.

The last vehicle from this assortment, is the beautiful Aston Martin DB5. As stated by the back of the card, this car is from Fast and Furious 6. To spot this car, you're going to need to go back and pause at the beginning of the car auction scene where Tej and Hobbs are talking. If you look real close, you'll notice a silver classic behind them. That classic is this Aston Martin. It's a little hard to see because there are a few people standing in the way, but you can definitely see it's fender vent as well as a few other aspects.

To be honest, I was a little on the fence about getting this replica. The reason for that is simple, I already have a silver DB5. Back in 2018, Hot Wheels released a James Bond themed DB5 in the Screen Time mainline set. Now yes... this replica is beautiful, but there were also a few other beautiful cars in that movie as well. It would have been nice if we were finally able to get the green Lucra LC470. But alas, licensing is required to make any vehicle. So until Mattel gets it, the Lucra will not be able to be made.

Like the basic James Bond release that I have, this too was given detailed headlights and the Aston Martin emblem on the front. And the rear was given lights and emblems. There are of course, a few details that aren't present on my James Bond mainline one. The details I'm referring to, are seen on this model's sides as well as it's hood. The sides feature detailed fender vents and a black tampo over the open section of the hood scoop.

The wheels given to this release, are the Hot Wheels D7RR. These are basically the premium version of the basic lace wheels that were given to the James Bond one that I have.

Let me say this, I don't mean to sound negative about this release. It's just you have to admit that at $5.47, you'd at least want something that was new and not so identical to a $1 mainline release. And yes, there are additional details on this premium release. But those are not important enough for me to totally like the decision to use this car for this assortment.

Okay everyone, that's all five of the vehicles from this Fast and Furious Euro Fast premium assortment. To be honest, if these sets continue to feature models that are similar to what I already have, I may stop buying them. I just can't find a reason to justify spending $5.47 for a slightly better version of what I already have. If that is ever the case, I will definitely make a small post about my decision.

Overall, this wasn't my favorite Hot Wheels Fast and Furious premium set. The two BMWs are the only cars from it that I truly like. What I want to know now, is how the diecast community feels about this set. Go ahead and let me know down in the comments section, and feel free to disagree with any of my opinions. Alright that's all for this edition of Looking at. Until next time, happy diecast collecting.

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