It's once again time, to take a look at another set of diecast cars, that have been checked off my want list. This time, it's the most recent Team Transport assortment from Hot Wheels. The greatest thing about this assortment, is how there were no doubles. Each 4 piece box, has one of each. Or at least my pre-ordered box did. With that said, let's jump right into this assortment.
Since I really like the details, the 2016 Ford GT Race is up first. For me, this is a stunning replica of the Castrol sponsored Ford GT race car. I love how Hot Wheels made the decision, to put this casting into their premium line. Doing so, enabled this casting to receive some fantastic livery details. One such detail, is the race position display, that's just above this cars exhaust. Despite not being able to use all the sponsor decals from the real car, I love the ones that were added. Along the side, Sparco and Brembo, are exactly where they are on the real car. It's too bad, that Mattel can't use the Axalta Coating Systems decal, as that would be the next decal, that's next to Brembo. However, I'm glad that they made use of the space, by putting the Ford Eco Boost decal instead. I also really like, how they included the Michelin Man on the back of this Ford GT.
Matching the car, is the awesome Ford C-800 hauler. Despite this truck coming from a different era than the GT, I still like how it was used for this release. What I like, is the sponsor decal placement. For me, they did a good job making this truck, look like it's the actual hauler for this car. I only wish, that it had the Michelin Man added somewhere to it.
Here's a closer picture of the race position display, as well as the Michelin Man.
The Volkswagen combo from this assortment, is the whole reason that I decided to pre-order this mix. After the first two releases of this hauler, It's nice to see it loaded with a different car, besides the Porsche 356. This second release of the Volkswagen ''Classic Bug'', is absolutely awesome. Due to not having many Mooneyes themed cars in my collection, I am very happy that I was able to add this one. In my opinion, the Volkswagen Beetle has the perfect body for a scallop design. And I love the way they were designed on this Bug. Like the last ''Classic Bug'', this one also features a cool tampo license plate. As you know, I love these kind of added details.
With the T1 Pickup, there are a two design aspects that I really like. The first of those two things, is the scallop design. Aside from matching the car, I like how the design wraps around to the front of this T1 Pickup. Featured just above the rear wheel, is a list of the various products from Mooneyes. That is the next aspect that I like. The way I see it, this added detail, combined with their slogan, give this T1 the look of an official Mooneyes hauler.
Picture showing the license plate.
Picture showing how the design wraps around to the front.
Back in 2018, IWC Schaffhausen, a luxury watch manufacturer in Switzerland, decided to start their own race team. This company, besides being involved with motorsports, is a partner with Mercedes-AMG. After launching their team, they decided that the timeless Mercedes-Benz 300 SL, was going to be their car of choice. They plan to race this car at various classic motorsports events. One things for sure, it's great that Mattel has the legal okay to use Mercedes-Benz again. This enables them, to give us collectors these awesome classic cars from this manufacturer. And I'm very happy that we're finally able to add this beautiful classic Mercedes to our collections.
Making it's debut in this set, is the Hot Wheels Euro Hauler. It's nice to see a new hauler added to the Team Transport lineup. Initially, I was more into the open haulers, but I'm starting to like these enclosed ones more. Reason being, the overall body has more canvas space for a design. Looking at how the body is designed, I can already see various possible paint schemes. For example, the center section, could be a different color. Which would make this truck, have a nice two tone paint scheme. With that in mind, I can't wait to see all the future releases of this hauler.

''The going thing'' continues, with the '69 Ford Mustang Boss 302 and Retro Rig from this mix. With this release, Hot Wheels appears to use the Ford Drag Team livery, as a inspiration for this Ford Race Team design. One cool design aspect, is how this release features the same decals as the Team Transport Galaxie 500. In fact, it seems like Hurst, Goodyear, and Autolite, were all sponsors of the real Ford Drag Team cars. So long story short, in my eyes, the decals help to give this Boss 302 a period correct look. Since they were going for a circuit race theme, I wish a racing number was included with the design. But that alone, doesn't detract from how cool this piece is. Also helping to give it that period correct racing look, are the RR8SP wheels. For me, these make the car look like it participated in the classic Trans-Am racing series.
It's nice to see the Hot Wheels Retro Rig, paired with a circuit race styled car. To be honest, after the last three releases, I thought this truck would only be used with drag cars. Looking at the overall theme, I feel that the Retro Rig was a very fitting choice for this combo. And I love how it looks with these colors. I also like the way it looks with the Boss 302 stripe, and it's great that it runs along the entire side of it. In other words, I'm happy that it wasn't just added to the cab. The ''The going thing'' slogan on the back half of this hauler, was a nice addition as well.
I don't know about you, but I feel this was a very exciting assortment, that featured some great looking cars and trucks. So readers, did you end up having a favorite from this mix? Feel free to let me know down in the comments. Okay collectors, until next time, happy collecting!