Friday, July 8, 2022

Looking At: All Eight Of The 2022 Hot Wheels Ultra Hots Releases

Welcome to a new edition of Looking At here on the Star Boulevard Of Speed. Every now and then, Hot Wheels will create a retro themed series where the releases are given the brand's older wheels. And within the last couple of years, they used the Black Walls and the Hot Ones for the Flying Customs series. The Ultra Hots are another one of their older wheels, and they're once again being used for a retro themed series that just so happens to have the same name as them. 

It is worth mentioning that two of the eight releases were given the brand's current 5SP wheels. Now, they aren't a bad looking wheel, but I do think they're a little out of place in a set like this one. But I'm not going to complain too much because the two releases that have aforementioned wheels look just fine with them. Although, I do have to admit that I would have liked them a little better if they had the Ultra Hots. Alright, that's enough talk about the wheels, let's move on.

This actually isn't the first time there's been an Ultra Hots series from Hot Wheels. The original one was created in the 1980s, and it gave collectors some nice looking releases that were finished in Spectraflame colors. So why did I bring that up? Well, it's because the designers chose to make this series look like a continuation of that one. In other words, they've made the decision to use Spectraflame paint for the releases in this new series. I, for one, am glad they chose to use a similar design style because the original series was before my time. 

Just like the Ultra Hots releases from the 80s, each of these new ones feature a flashy design. Now, I do have to admit that I'm disappointed with their decision to give each of the releases a similar design. They do have some additional stripes on them, but they each have the same type of main design. And you'll see what I mean by that when you look at the pictures I took. In my opinion, they should have created a different design for each of the releases. 

Alright, here are the eight castings that were picked for this assortment.

'70 Chevy Camaro RS

'87 Buick Regal GNX

'67 Oldsmobile 442

'69 Mercury Cyclone

'66 Ford Fairlane 427

'70 Plymouth Barracuda

The next two releases are the ones that were given the brand's current 5SP wheels. As I've said, they look just fine.

'71 Plymouth GTX

'80 El Camino

Pretty cool, right? I, for one, think they picked some awesome American classics for this assortment. I'm especially pleased with their decision to use the '67 Oldsmobile as well as the '80 El Camino. The latter is actually a casting I've wanted to own for the longest time now. So I'm glad they created a decent looking one for this series. 

Now, if you haven't already found these, then you should know that they are priced at $2.99. Some of you might not like that price, but I think it's reasonable. As you saw, each of the eight releases were given front and rear tampo details. These details might be small, but we usually only see fully decorated releases in the brand's premium metal/metal lines. 

Besides the single packs, Hot Wheels chose to also create some Ultra Hots track sets. And just like the Flying Customs track sets, they come with a couple of vehicles that are different from the ones in the single packs. So many of you might not be interested in them, but I think they're cool. And if I was going to buy one, then I'd definitely get the one in the first picture because it reminds me of one I had as a child. 

I really can't wait to see what the future has in store for this new Ultra Hots series. I, for one, hope the series will continue for a few more years because there are many great licensed castings that'd look great with the Ultra Hots.

So what are your thoughts on this new series? Do any of the releases stand out to you? Go ahead and let me know your thought down in the comments section. Alright, that's all for this edition of Looking At. Until next time, thanks for reading, and happy collecting.

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