Wednesday, June 29, 2022

White Booth Wednesday #142

It's once again time for another Wednesday showcase here on the boulevard. Here's this week's featured vehicle.

Vehicle: Mazda REPU
Brand Or Series: 2022 Hot Wheels Hot Trucks
Boulevard Rating: 9
How I Feel About This Release: In my opinion, the designers picked a fantastic exterior and wheel color scheme for this recolor. It's not everyday that I see a green release with white wheels, so that's why this one instantly made it to my want list. Now, I do have one small issue with this release, and it has to do with the color of the stripe. I feel it shouldn't have been the same color as the orange release's stripe. So if it was up to me, I would have changed it to white. I've seen many pictures of green vehicles with white stripes, and I think it's a great color scheme. So I feel this release would have looked even better than it already does if they made its stripe white. At the end of the day, this release is still cool enough for me to give it a nine out of ten.

So how do you feel about this week's featured vehicle? Go ahead and let me know down in the comments. Till next time, happy collecting.

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