Sunday, April 10, 2022

My Want List: 2022 Hot Wheels Case D - Part 1

Hello, and welcome to another edition of My Want List. This year's case D releases have finally been added to the garage, and thankfully, this case wasn't like the last two. In case you didn't know, I'm still not entirely done with case B and case C. Anyway, today's post isn't about those. So let me get back to the topic at hand, which is what I was able to get from this year's case D. Now, there were a total of twelve releases I wanted, and I was able to find all of them. So I've decided to make this a two-part edition of My Want List, and each part will feature six releases. So that being said, let me get things started.

Last year, Hot Wheels gave us the Raijin Express, which is a very nice looking mainline version of a dekotora truck. And like many of you, I was extremely pleased with the overall design of it. So it instantly became a casting I could't wait to see more of. I also couldn't wait to see the next design they'd create for it. The first release's box section featured a nice design along its sides, so I had high hopes that the next release would also feature a nice design. Well, the next release of it is finally here, and I'm impressed with the design they created for it. 

You usually won't see Art Cars talked about here on the boulevard, and that's simply because of the design choices made for them. Fortunately, they didn't make this Art Cars release as wild as the others. And you'd almost think it wasn't apart of the aforementioned series due to the design choices made for it. In fact, the only thing that really makes it an Art Cars release is letter on the top of its box section. But it was designed to be similar to the additional designs you see around the dragon, so it doesn't really stand out like that.

At the end of the day, this is another awesome release of this casting. Like I said, I had high hopes for another one with a nice design, and I think we can all agree that this release features an awesome design along its sides. I mean, who doesn't like dragon artwork? These first two releases have me curious to see what they'll do next. I don't know about you, but I'd love to see one with artwork depicting a samurai. Of course, they could also choose to do one with the HW Race Team livery. Ultimately, there are a plethora designs they could create for a casting like this. 

In recent years, both of Mattel's diecast brands have started to add more electric vehicles to their lineup, and they have picked some very nice ones replicate. So one day, the HW Green Speed might be one of the mainline sets I look forward to each year. And I'll definitely look forward to it if they continue to give us castings like the Mustang Mach E 1400. Now, that's not the only recent Green Speed release that I like. Last year, the Nissan Leaf Nismo RC_02 made its Hot Wheels debut, and it was a release I chose to feature in the boulevard's 1:64 Scale GT auto museum. Well, they've chosen to give us another one in this year's mainline, and it is the next release I checked off of my want list.   

Although I added it to my want list, I was slightly disappointed with how it featured the same side decal as the first release. However, after doing another Google search, I came to the realization that this too is a replica. So now I don't mind. Furthermore, I now feel this release is somewhat unique due to its livery. The real car this is based on features a design that's mostly on one side of it. So after I saw that, I decided to inspect this release a little more. And sure enough, this too only has most of the design on one side. That's why I feel it is somewhat unique. After all, it's not everyday we get a release where the design is mostly on one side of it. 

The first two releases of this casting are definitely nice, but I'd love to see what type of livery they'd create for this car. If it was up to me, I'd give collectors one with a design that's based on various Nissan liveries. So it'd be a white release with a red and blue design. But I guess it all depends on the legal agreement between them and Nissan. So I hope Nissan lets them create whatever they want for this casting.

Sometimes, I'll get really excited about a release of a certain casting, and it's usually the ones that aren't used that much. I'm even happier when it's a casting I don't have many of. So it'll be a release I absolutely have to have. With that said, the next release I'm going to talk about is the '63 Studebaker Champ. And I think everyone got excited over this one because it isn't a casting that's frequently used. In fact, this is the third mainline release of it. 

It goes without saying that this is one hot truck, and I think we're all pleased with the design choices made for it. I especially like how they chose to decorate the top of it as well. In years gone by, the Super Treasure Hunt versions had the most decoration. But now it seems like more and more of the regular versions have the same amount of decoration as the Supers. And it's a design choice I'm happy with. personally, there's no reason not to give everyone the chance to own a nicely decorated release. 

The overall design isn't the only thing I like about this release though. Combined, the exterior and wheel color helped to make this one hot HW Hot Trucks release.

Although it isn't one of the mainline sets I look forward to each year, I will admit that I do somewhat pay attention to the Baja Blazers. After all, they have given us some very nice looking off-road racers since the creation of it. The only reason why I don't pay more attention to it is because I don't usually get all of the releases from it. Anyway, this case had another Baja Blazers releases I wanted, and it is the Custom Ford Bronco.

I can't tell you how happy I am to see another release of this casting, and I really like how they chose to finish it in red. Now, I know there was a red one released back in 2018, but I didn't get it due to them choosing to make it have blue features. Of course, as time went on, I started to regret not getting it. Basically, I no longer have an issue with that particular combination of colors. At the end of the day though, I no longer feel need to try and get it since they gave us this one. And to be honest, this one features a racing design that's much better than the 2018 release's design.

Although I like this release, I do have to say that there is one thing I would have done differently, and I think you might know what I'm talking about. Now, if you thought I was talking about the wheels, then you are wrong. I used to have an issue with these brown wheels, but I had to force myself to look past them so I didn't miss out on too many nice releases. So it's not those. My issue is with the choice to give it purple roll bars. Although, since it is a dark purple, it doesn't completely ruin the appearance of this release. However, I would have used black roll bars instead. Ultimately, I can ignore the roll bars. I just think it looks a little odd, since purple wasn't used anywhere else on this release.

So how do you feel about the vehicles from the Fast and Furious Spy Racers series? I, for one, really like them, which is why I'm glad they have mainline versions of them too. I also like how some of the vehicles have gotten recolors. Now, since I haven't seen this Netflix series, I have no idea if any of the recolors are accurate or not. But what I do know is that I've enjoyed being able to have different ones.  

Not all of the vehicles have gotten recolors though, and the Rally Baja Crawler is one of them. Each time it was released, it featured a black and green color scheme. So I always wondered how it'd look if they did something different with it. Well, I finally have my answer!

Just to reiterate, I have no idea if these recolors are accurate or not. So feel free to let me know if they are. Anyway, this is a very cool release. The black and green ones might very well be the better ones if they accurate replicas, but I happen to like this one a little more. Silver is not a bad color for this vehicle, and I feel it looks fantastic with the stripe design they created for it. I also like the choice to give it gold wheels. In my opinion, it is a wheel color that goes great with the other colors used for this release.

Like I said at the start of this post, there will be a total of six releases featured in both parts of this edition of My Want List. So with being said, the Toyota Land Cruiser 80 is the last release I'm going to talk about in this first part.

I might like plain releases, but I have to say, this is one stellar release of this casting! And I'm not just saying that because of the design they created for it. Besides the aforementioned, I really like the exterior color they picked. Like purple, it isn't a color I see too often on licensed castings.

Now, I do kind of wish they didn't give it mud splatter details, but it is a design choice I can accept. After all, this release is a part of the Mud Studs mainline set, and having a muddy appearance is kind of the whole point. And at the end of the day, I like this release enough to add it to the off-road section of the 1:64 Scale GT's auto museum.

So how do you feel about these six? Go ahead and let me know down in the comments section. Okay, that's all for this first part. Be sure to come back to the boulevard tomorrow to see the other six I wanted. Until then, thanks for reading, and happy collecting. And remember, these are just toys.


  1. Nissan Leaf Nismo RC_02 - I found the normal red version of this car with no printing on the side. It is completely red. But the top has printing. Is this common?

    1. Hi, sorry for the late reply. You have found a release that has a tampo error, and it isn't common. I've actually found a few of those myself, and my favorites are the ones that have little to no tampos at all.
