Monday, December 20, 2021

My Want List: 2021 Hot Wheels Case Q - Part 1

Hello, and welcome to another edition of My Want List. So how do you feel about this year's Hot Wheels mainline? In my opinion, it was remarkable! I feel it gave collectors many good looking releases of old and new castings. Of course, there were some design choices I didn't like, but that's to be expected. At the end of the day, all of the release I got are welcomed additions to my collection. Okay, now I need to focus on today's topic, which is my thoughts on the releases I got from this year's final mainline case. Overall, this case was loaded with many releases I wanted to add to my collection, and that's why I've decided to split this post up into multiple parts. So with that being said, let's go over the releases I checked off of my want list. 

Each and every single collector will have their own opinion of what the star of a case is. One group will think those are the special releases like the Treasure Hunts or the id Chase cars. Then there's another group (myself included) that thinks those are some of the other releases. And that's the case with the first two releases being talked about in this first part. 

Throughout the years, Hot Wheels has done a few different Firebird castings, and one of them is called the Hot Bird. Now it's not like I didn't already have one of these in my collection, but I never completely liked all of the design choices made for it. For those of you wondering which one it is, it's the blue 2010 Race World Volcano release. I might have liked it a little more if the wheels weren't red. Anyway, not liking that release is why I planned on trying to get one of the other releases off of the secondary. Fortunately, I don't have to now that I have this latest one from case Q.

The last time this casting saw the light of day was in 2013, so that's why I had my eye on what was for sale on Ebay. I really didn't think they were going to ever use this casting again since it's so old, but I'm glad they did.

I have to say, this release is definitely better than the one I initially had. Not only did they pick a nice blue for it's exterior, they also created a cool looking stripe design for it. They even decided to decorate the top half as well, and it wasn't just the hood. Oh, and let me not forget how it also features the Firebird logo, which is a huge plus for me!

This release was the perfect way to end this year's Muscle Mania mainline series. I hope next year's series features many classic muscle cars like this year's series.

No matter the decade, Aston Martin continues to wow automotive enthusiast with stunning cars, and I'm glad Mattel's diecast brands are able to give us 1:64 scale replicas of them. With that said, the second star of this case is the new Aston Martin V12 Speedster, and it's an absolutely beautiful car. 

I think we all love the look of exotic cars, but in recent years I've stared to like the ones without roofs more. In my opinion, not having a roof makes them look even more exotic. And thanks to it's design, this V12 Speedster definitely looks a little more exotic than some of their other vehicles. Of course, it's not as exotic looking as their Valhalla.   

As for how I feel about this casting, I think they did a fantastic job with it's overall design. And I especially like how they included it's side-view mirrors. What about the design choices made for this first release? Oh, I like those too. I really love it's exterior color, and I feel they picked the best possible mainline wheels for it.

Now that we have Aston Martin's speedster, we need to have the one from McLaren. And it's too bad they don't have the license to use Ferrari anymore, because I'd also love to see a Hot Wheels version of the Monza. In my opinion, all of these speedsters would look great sitting next to each other. Okay, let's get to the next release.

A few day ago, the 1:64 Scale GT held a run what you brung drag race, and RPM STARZ decided to participate. So we chose to bring our "Eastbound And Crowned" Dodge Coronet, which was a used drag car we bought. Since it wasn't in bad condition, we decided to fix it up and keep it's livery. To our surprise, we brought the best car that day, which led to us winning the overall competition. So you know what that means? That's right, it's was once again time to go shopping for another personal vehicle. And this time, I was in the mood for another pickup truck. 

After taking some time to think about it, I decided to go and see what Chevy had on their lot. In doing so, I came across the Chevy Silverado Off Road, and I decided to make it my next personal vehicle. 

After getting it back to HQ, I had my team throw on a stripe design just to give it a true RPM STARS theme. Okay, that's enough story telling for one post. In all seriousness, I feel this second one is a little better than the one released earlier this year. Between the two colors, yellow is way more eye catching, and that's what I like about it.

So what was your favorite Then and Now pairing from this year? Mine was definitely not the Mazdas! Uh oh, someone's salt levels have reached critical levels! Okay, I'm just joking. Anyway, this year's Then and Now mainline series has had a few pairings that I've really liked. One such pairing is the GT-Rs, and the recolor of the "Then" GT-R is the next one checked off of my want list. I'm so glad they decided to do a recolor of the 2000 GT-R. I, for one, was hoping they would after I saw the shade of grey they picked for the "Now" GT-R. 

Now to be honest, I still really like the first release, and it has nothing to do with the exterior color. As you know, the yellow release was given a black base, which helped to give the first release a complete two-tone paint scheme, minus the fender flares. Now I'm not saying this release looks bad with it's chrome base, but what I am saying is that the black base goes better with the design. 

This second release does have another thing going for it besides it's exterior color, and it's the wheels. After all this time, we've finally gotten a release of this casting with the lace wheels. It's awesome how they've started to use these more, and I think this GT-R looks outstanding with them. Now there's nothing wrong with the DD8s, but you have to admit that it's exciting to see a release of a casting with wheels that haven't been used for it already. 

Earlier in this year, Hot Wheels gave us a great looking '67 Mustang Coupe, and it was a release I was excited for. I don't know about you, but I wasn't too thrilled with the 2019 release of this casting, so I was glad to see a much better one. Anyway, they've decided to do a recolor, and it's apart of this case. Black is the color they picked for it, and I think it's a nice color for this casting.  

I do kind of wish they did something different with the wheels. As you know, the purple one also has grey 5SPs. So if it was up to me, I would have given this second release the Retro Slot wheels. Doing so would have definitely helped to set this one apart from the other one. But I guess they were trying to make the wheels match the grey stripe.

Okay, I'm going to stop this first part here. I think five releases is enough for today. Be sure to come back tomorrow to see part two. As usual, if you have any thoughts on the releases featured today, go ahead and let me know down in the comments section. Alright, that's all for this first part. Till tomorrow, thanks for reading, and happy collecting. And remember, these are just toys. 

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