Wednesday, November 3, 2021

White Booth Wednesday #108

It's once again time for another Wednesday showcase here on the boulevard. Here's this week's featured vehicle.

Vehicle: '15 Mazda MX-5 Miata
Series: 2017 Matchbox Adventure City
Boulevard Rating: 7
How I Feel About This Release: Let me start by saying that I really don't like the wheel choice. For me, they just aren't the type of wheel I'd put on a modern car. You might disagree, but I feel these wheels are better suited for classic cars. These wheels are the main reason why I couldn't score this release higher. Now, not all is bad with this release. I mean... it did make it to my want list. So obviously there's something about it I like. The exterior color picked for this release is fine, but the stripe design is what made me decide to add it to my collection. Although I like Matchbox for their plain releases, I also like the various designs that they create. And the stripe design created for this release is not the typical one you'd see on a Miata. Or maybe you have seen one with a design like this, but I sure haven't, which is why I feel this release stands out (in a good way) from the other ones.

So how do you feel about this week's featured vehicle? Go ahead and let me know down in the comments. Till next time, happy collecting.

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