Saturday, December 19, 2020

Today on the Boulevard: 2021 Matchbox - Mix 1

Okay collectors, welcome to another edition of Today on the Boulevard. For this post, I'm going to be showcasing the vehicles that I wanted from 2021's first Matchbox assortment. Sadly, I wasn't able to find all of the ones that I wanted, which is why this isn't a My Want List post. Now despite not being able to find everything, I was able to get most of what I wanted. As I like to say, something is better than nothing Especially when you can't hunt as much due to you know what. So with that said, let's get started.

Checked off of my want list first, is the '71 Porsche 914. This is actually the main one that I wanted from this case. Although this Matchbox casting isn't new, it is a new addition to my garage. Before this one, all I had was two releases from Hot Wheels. The first one, was the 2017 Car Culture release with an Urban Outlaw theme. And the second one, is the off-road themed one that was released not too long ago. So I'm glad to finally have a non modified looking Porsche 914.

I can honestly say that I really like what they did to this release, and I'm not just saying that because it's the first one in my garage. What I like, is how the designers chose to make it white with a red stripe. Now this is actually somewhat realistic. In 1974, Porsche decided to make a limited edition version of the 914. One of the color schemes available was called creamsicle, and that's what this release is based on. 

Like the real creamsicle '74 914, this '71 914 is also sporting red wheels. Now since Matchbox doesn't necessarily have a wheel that looks like wheels featured on the real car, they decided to use their 6 Spoke Sport wheels. I don't know how you feel, but I think they were an okay choice. And they honestly don't look bad on this model.

The next car that got checked off of my want list, is the 1962 Plymouth Savoy. Matchbox has done it again! They have given me another beautiful classic car to collect. This release is one example of why I think Matchbox is a good brand for collectors that like older American cars. I really like the exterior color that was picked for this first release. I think these old American cars look great finished in black. Now I'm not saying they wouldn't look nice finished in other colors too, but I just feel black gives them a classier look if you know what I mean.

Aside from the color, I also like the tampo details that were applied to this release. The front end is the only section of it that didn't get any details though, but that's okay. The details applied to this model are seen on the sides, as well as the rear. Both of these sections feature this car's chrome molding. The sides were also given this car's letter emblem. The rear was given tail lights and a red plate with "Savoy" applied to it. All of these details helped to make this a fantastic model in my opinion, and I'm glad Matchbox didn't decided to not add them.

For this release's wheels, the Matchbox designers thankfully went down the period correct route by using their disk wheels. It doesn't get any better than that!

Speeding off of my want list next, is the 2003 Nissan 350Z. This is another new model in my garage. All I had before this one, was a couple of the modified ones from Hot Wheels. So like the 914, I'm glad to finally have a non modified looking version of this car. Now for this release, the designers decided to make it feature a white and gold color scheme. I don't know about you all, but you can never go wrong with white and gold. And it doesn't matter if it's white with gold stripes or gold with white stripes, it all looks good to me.

The overall design on this release is pretty cool in my opinion, and it features multiple sections. A single gold stripe starts after the front wheel arch, and continues to the tail lights. And a small gold triangle was placed above it after the side window. The second section is basically the stripes design from the 370Z Anniversary Edition. I should also mention that the side skirt was given a black tampo coating. This was a interesting design choice, and of course, I don't mean that in a bad way.

Now this release was also given some additional details, and this unfortunately doesn't include the front end. The sides were given the Z emblem, and the rear was given tail lights. It is a little disappointing that the rear wasn't at least given a emblem or a custom license plate. I feel it should have featured something just to make the rear not look so plain, especially since the front was not given any details.

The wheels used for this model, are the 5 Spoke Superfast Sports with a gold finish. Gold wheels complement the theme of this release nicely, but I wish the color used was closer to the gold used for the design. But that's just me, and the color difference isn't that bad.

Up next, is the '56 Jaguar XK140 Roadster. I just can't get enough of this wonderful classic Jaguar, and I like how the collectors in my area always leave it behind. Each time these are released, it is usually the main licensed car that's left. I know we all have our likes and dislikes, but I can never figure out why this one is not loved as much. Anyways, this is another great release of this casting, and it was once again finished in a great color. For this release, the designers chose to utilize the light blue that I feel is a perfect color for these old sports cars.

As you all know, the first three releases of this casting were given different colored interiors. To my surprise, this fourth release was given the same interior color as the third release. I'm not saying black is a bad interior color for this light blue Jaguar, but it would have been nice to see a different color used. Just to throw an idea out there, I think white could have been a cool interior color for it.

Now for the most part, this release features the same front and rear details that were applied to the other three releases. There is however, one detail that's slightly different. The detail in question, is what the license plate says. The other three featured a plate that had the number 56 on it after the letters, whereas "Jaguar" was the only thing that was applied to this one's plate. For me, this is okay because it helped to add some variety among the releases.

The wheel choice is one of the other things that I like about this release. The first two releases were given the Matchbox ten spoke wheels. Thankfully, the designers chose to use the disk wheels like they did for the third release. These look way more period correct than the ten spoke wheels in my opinion.

The next car from my want list, is the 2018 Dodge Charger. This cool American car made it's debut in 2019, and is now on it's third release. Since the second release was finished in blue, that one should obviously be my favorite right? Well not this time. This third release was given a color that I think makes this car look just as great. Grey is the color that was chosen, and it's a grey that does appear to be based on Dodge's Destroyer grey.

The front and rear of this release received the same details as the first two, which is fine because detailed lights are always a welcomed sight on any diecast model. There is one detail that I wish was changed or altered. The detail that I'm taking about is the license plate. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad this release has one, but I wish the plate had different text. It's basically the same plate that was applied to the green release. "Charger" is what the plate says, and I think they could have taken the time to come up with something different.

For this release, the Matchbox designers chose to once again use their 5 Spoke Superfast Sport wheels. Now what's nice, is that they made them black. I'm so glad they went with this wheel color. In my opinion, real cars from Dodge that are Destroyer grey with black wheels look cool. And I feel black wheels make this diecast version model look just cool.

Next up, is the Mercedes-Benz S123 Station Wagon. I'm still glad Mattel has the legal okay to use Mercedes again, as it's leading to some fantastic models for us to collect. And over on Instagram, Hot Wheels showcased a brand new Mercedes-Benz casting. But that's a story for another time and post. For right now, it's all about this fifth S123 release.

Once again, the Matchbox designers chose a nice color for this model. And I'd describe it as being based on Maple yellow, which was a color that appears to have been available for the real car. Even if it wasn't, I'd still think it was a great color for this classic Mercedes.

Aside from the exterior color, I also like the interior color. For this release, the designers chose to give it a maroon interior. As you all know, the last two releases of this casting were given a grey interior. Now that is okay, but I think maroon is a much better looking color than grey, and it combines nicely with the exterior color. So I'm glad things were switched up for this release. 

As far as the front and rear details are concerned, they are basically the same as the other basic releases of this casting. Although the same, the license plate does feature different text. This time, "M-B WGN" is what was applied to the plate. In case you didn't know, this basically says Mercedes-Benz Wagon.

Now for the wheels, I really don't have to make mention of them, as they are obviously the Ringed Disk. In all honesty, this is the only wheel for this casting as it's the closet to the real car's OEM wheels.

The last one that I was able to get, was the 1968 Dodge D200. This mighty truck made it's debut back in 2019, and has now had four great releases. What I like about this one, is how it doesn't feature any of the same colors that were used for previous releases of it. With that said, I love how the designers chose to use a very cool shade of light blue for it's exterior. Now I'm not sure if the real truck had a similar blue available, but in my opinion, the color used for this release looks like one that might have been used for vehicles back then. Of course I might be wrong, as I'm no expert.

Similar to the Mercedes, this D200 has an interior that's not black or grey. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing bad about releases with those interior colors, I just feel those colors are more common. Plus, having a different colored interior can ultimately liven up the model. And I feel that's what this releases interior did. So for this release, the designers chose to give it a light brown interior.

Like most Matchbox releases, this release pretty much has the same details that were applied to the previous mainline releases of it. So basically, that's the side trim and fender emblem. To be honest, I like this truck way too much to care about it's mainline releases not having front or rear tampo details.

The 2 Ringed 8 Dot wheels were once again used for this casting. Now most of you might disagree with me, but I think the entire wheel or just the rim should have been left black. This would have made it look closer to the one depicted on the card. Aside from the card art, I personally like how light blue vehicles look with all black wheels.

Okay collectors, that's all of the vehicles that I was able to get from this case. Now obviously the Divo is the one I was unable to get. If your not new to the boulevard, then you'd know that I was able to get the first release of it. So if I'm perfectly fine with the possibility of not being able to get the new one. 

So did you have a favorite from this case besides the Divo? If so, go ahead and let me know down in the comments section. Welp... that's all for this edition of Today on the Boulevard. Until next time, thanks for reading and happy collecting.

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