Monday, November 16, 2020

My Want List: 2020 Matchbox Moving Parts Case G

Hello and welcome to another edition of My Want List. For today's post, I going to be going over the vehicles that I wanted from the new Matchbox Moving Parts assortment. This time, there were only three that I wanted. The other two vehicles featured are repeats from previous assortments. With that said, let's go over the three vehicles that are new.

Time and time again, I have made mention of how I love the look of classic sports cars. So I was overjoyed to find out we were going to be getting another beautiful diecast model. Making it's debut in this assortment, is the 1955 Porsche 550 Spyder. I'm so glad Matchbox decided to make this casting for their Moving Parts line. This allowed them to make this classic with a back half that accurately opens to reveal this car's engine.

The details given to this model are the usual ones that might get applied to these kind of releases. However, this model was also given an additional set of details. These additional details were applied to the engine. It's not often that we get a Mattel made diecast model with engine details. As you all know, this aspect is usually seen with high-end models like the Hot Wheels Redline Club cars. So I'm glad Mattel's Matchbox brand gives all of us non Redline Club collectors a chance to own a great looking model with engine details.

Now the engine details aren't the only thing that makes this a cool model to have. In my opinion, the Matchbox designers know what they're doing when it comes to choosing an exterior color for classic cars like this one. The color chosen for this release, is a light blue that makes any classic car look great. 

One of the interesting decisions made for this model, was the choice to give it a red interior. I don't know how the overall diecast community feels about a red interior combined with a light blue exterior, but I kind of like how this car looks with the combination. Now from the pictures that I've seen, some of the actual 550s have red interiors. Of course some of those might have actually been a replica and not the actual car. 

The wheels given to this debuting release, are the Matchbox Ringed Disk wheels. I don't think I have to go into detail about why these are one of the best wheels for this model.

The second new vehicle from this assortment, is the Datsun 280 ZX. So far, this is the third release of this casting, and it's just as good if not better than the first two. This release's exterior color is the main thing that I like about it. This Datsun's exterior was given the same light blue that was applied to the Porsche. Like I mentioned, this blue makes any classic car look great.

The first two were given designs that were a little on the wilder side, whereas this one features a design that's more subtle. Now don't get me wrong, the other ones are cool in their own right, it's just nice to finally have one like this. Similar to the first one, this ones design is only on the top half of it. And to be more specific, it was only applied to the hood.

One decision that seems to be common, is the incorporation of gold into the overall color scheme. The stripe design on the hood is gold with a white outline. Although it would have been nice to get one with a completely different set of colors, I won't deny how cool this 280 ZX looks with gold and light blue used for it's color scheme.

This release was given black Matchbox 5 Spoke Superfast Sport wheels with a gold outer rim. Gold used for the wheels is another decision that's similar to the first two. As nice as this is, I hope we eventually get a 280 ZX release with all silver wheels. You know, just to switch things up a little.

There is one aspect of this release that's finally different. Unlike the first two that were given a tan interior, this one was given a grey one.

I don't solely just like the look of classic cars, I also like the look of classic pickup trucks as well. So I was happy to see another release of the 1963 Chevy C10 Pickup. This casting made it's Moving Parts debut last year, and is still going strong with this third release. For the most part, nothing is really new in terms of the exterior details. The front and rear of this truck were left plain. And the sides were given the same details that were applied to the first two.

Details aside, I really like the choice to make this release's exterior red. As you all know, the first two were given dark colors. Now there's nothing wrong with them, as the colors picked were not bad. But I will admit that it's nice to finally have one with a bright exterior color. Let's be honest, red is one of those colors that just works for a classic pickup truck. And this is coming from someone that really likes blue. 

Like the first Moving Parts release of this truck, this too is sporting the Matchbox Ringed Disk wheels. Collectors in general should have no issue with these being used for this release. These wheels are basically a period correct style of wheel for this 1963 C10. 

This model was given a grey interior, and due to how this casting is made, that also means that it's engine section is grey. As such, I wish details were applied to this release's engine. Having them would have added some color to the dark engine section. Of course, this will probably not be an issue for the overall diecast community. But for me, it would have been a nice touch.

Alright collectors, that's the three new vehicles that were featured in this Moving Parts assortment. For those of you wondering what the other two vehicles were, they are the Divco Milk truck and the black 2018 Range Rover Vouge SE.

Obviously my favorite vehicle from this assortment is the Porsche 550 Spyder. I hope to see many great future releases of it. It might also be cool if we eventually got a racing themed release as well. Nothing too crazy, just a simple theme that features a racing number and maybe a stripe. 

So readers, how do you feel about the three new vehicles in this assortment? Feel free to let me know down in the comments section. Okay, that's all for today's edition of My Want List. Until next time, thanks for reading and happy collecting.

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