Thursday, September 17, 2020

Looking at: Hot Wheels Car Culture Modern Classics

Welcome back to the boulevard racers! It's once again time to take a look at another set of diecast cars, that have been checked off my want list. This time, it's the newest Car Culture Modern Classics assortment. It's nice to finally see another round of Modern Classics. Like the first Modern Classics set, this too features five great cars. One of which in my opinion, is a eyebrow raiser. So without further ado, let's get today's diecast review started.

The first car for this review, is the '72 Mercedes-Benz 280 SEL 4.5, which is also a brand new casting. One of the things that I've noticed about some of the various Car Culture cars, is how they're often times given a racing theme. This of course, isn't a bad thing, as being in the premium line, makes it so we get great looking replicas. However... I do sometimes prefer a model that's plain. And thankfully, that's the case with this debuting model. The only tampo details given to it, are ones that add realism.

It's sides, feature all the various would-be chrome features seen on the real car. And that includes door handles. Also featured along this model's sides, are tampo side marker lights. Small details like this, are always a welcomed sight. Tampo light details were applied to the front end, as well as the rear end. The rear end also has the various would-be chrome features. Features like the 280 SEL emblem, the Mercedes emblem, and the 4.5 emblem go a long way in terms of adding realism to this model. also featured on the rear, is a license plate, which further adds to the realism. From what I can tell, the plate appears to be California's black and yellow plate. And I like how it reads ''280 SEL.'' 

Contributing to how I feel about this release, is the interior/exterior color scheme that was chosen. Though it's hard to see in my pictures, it's exterior is a dark blue. For it's interior, the Hot Wheels design team decided to make it beige. Together, these colors created a very luxurious looking 1:64 scale model. For it's wheels, the Hot Wheels design team decided to give it the RRS wheels. I'm not entirely sure if they were trying to go for an OEM or aftermarket look with these, but what I do know, is they don't look bad on this casting.

Up next, is the eyebrow raiser. The car in question, is the Honda Civic EG. All I can say is, wait what? I was definitely not expecting Hot Wheels to release a Hello Kitty themed car. And a Hello Kitty themed Civic at that. The one thing that I can say, is that I'm happy to see this model being used again. Technically, this Civic could be considered an itasha styled car. For those of you that don't know what those are, they are basically cars that have custom designs featuring anime characters. Even though I considered this to be an eyebrow raiser, I don't mean that in a bad way. After all, models like this are unique.

Now then... since this is a Hello Kitty themed Civic, the exterior was finished in pink, which is the best possible color for this theme. Theme aside, this color is one of the reasons that I consider it to be unique. This is because it's not a color that's used often. For the design on this model, it's sides feature the top of Hello Kitty's head, as well as some Japanese text over the rear wheel well. The hood of this civic, features Hello Kitty's entire face. The top of this model, features two additional details. Hello Kitty's pink bow, was applied to the sunroof glass, and ''HELLO KITTY'' was applied to the roof. The front and rear were given the usual head/tail lights.

Since this model's exterior has a wild appearance, I do like how the Hot Wheels team decided to give this model a black interior. In my opinion, white is the only other interior color that could've worked. Although, I suspect someone out there might've preferred a pink interior. Like the first release of this casting, this too is sporting the RR6SP wheels. And once again, they are black, which isn't an issue for me. I won't lie, the Fast and Furious Civic is still better in my opinion, but that doesn't mean this isn't a nice addition to any collection.

Up next, is the '98 Subaru Impreza 22b STI-Version. As you all know, this casting made it's debut in the 2020 HW Turbo mainline set. I was actually surprised to see it already getting a premium release. Not to be a ''debbie downer,'' but I was actually a little disappointed with this release. Most of you might disagree with me, which is fine, but the main aspect that's disappointing is the choice of color. This first premium release was finished in blue. Some of you might be thinking, but Diecast BLVD, blue is your favorite color, and it's one of the better colors for this car. Yes, all of these things are true, but what I don't like, is how the first release was also blue with gold wheels. In my opinion, one of these two releases could've been yellow, purple, or black.

Despite feeling the way that I do about this release, I will admit that things aren't all bad with this release. In fact there are two main aspects that make me say that. First and foremost, being released as a premium, made it so it could feature additional details. A perfect example of this, is seen on the front bumper. Unlike the the basic version, the front bumper of this premium version features the STI decal. Another one of these details is seen on the trunk of this premium version. The right side of the trunk, features a small silver dot, which is basically the keyhole.

The second reason, has to do with the wheels featured on this release. As you all know, the blue basic version, had the Hot Wheels 10SPs finished in gold. The wheels on this release, are the Hot Wheels RRMCs, which are also finished in gold. Even though both blue versions feature gold wheels, I actually prefer these premium wheels over the basic ones. And it's simply due to the shape of the spokes.

The next car for this review, is the Volkswagen Jetta MK3. This is one casting that I'm very happy to see being used again. Initially, I thought this casting was only going to be used for the Fast and Furious set. Though the early 2000s tuning style is no more, I still really like how body kits look on cars. That is the main reason that I like this Jetta casting. This casting being a replica of the one in the Fast and Furious franchise, means that it is sporting the Wings West body kit. And despite how you might feel about cars with kits, you have to admit that the kit for this car looks great.

For those of you that aren't new to the boulevard, then you'll know the other reason as to why I'm excited to have this release. And for those of you that don't, it all has to do with the fact that this release is plain. Aside from not featuring any designs, this release has two main aspects that I like. The first of the two aspects, is of course the exterior color, which was finished in a cool looking shade of red. The wheels are the second aspect. Featured on this release, are the Hot Wheels RRE wheels. This shape of five spoke wheel, in my opinion, looks really good on this car. I also like how they are grey, even though other wheel colors could've worked as well.

Now then, this release does feature some tampo details that ultimately complement this model nicely. Aside from head lights, this model's front end features additional details like the VW emblem. The grill, as well as the various other open sections of this car's front end, were created by applying a black tampo to each of these spots. It's sides were given a black side molding and black door handles. The rear, was given tail lights, emblem details, and a license plate. All in all, this is a fantastic second release, and I like it just as much as the Fast and Furious one.

The last car from this set, is the Nissan Silvia (S14). This is another casting that made it's debut in the Fast and Furious premium set. Like the Jetta, I thought this casting was also only going to be used for Fast and Furious themed assortments. What I'm excited about, is how it looks like we'll see a continued use of this casting. One of the things that I like about this S14 release, is how it basically makes a pair with the Car Culture Street Tuners S15 Silvia. And there are a few key aspects of this model that make me say that.

The paint used for this release's exterior, is the first of those aspects. For this release, the Hot Wheels designers decided to use the same pearl white that was used for the aforementioned S15 Silvia. When I first saw pictures of this release, I though it's paint was going to be gloss white. Thankfully it wasn't. I mean... don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with gloss white, it's just this pearl white looks fantastic when a light is shined on it. At the end of the day though, I would've liked this release regardless of the type of paint. For me, it was all about finally getting a plain S14 Silvia.

The license plate featured on this release, is the next aspect. On the S15, the plate read "5TEEN." On this model, the plate reads "4TEEN." Putting the similarities aside for a moment, I want to quickly mention the other details featured on this model's front and rear. Aside from head lights, the various open sections of this car's front end were created by applying a black tampo to each spot. Featured on the hood, is the Silvia emblem. The rear end of this release, wasn't just given a license plate and tail lights. The additional details, though small, are this car's emblems. The left side of the trunk, features the Silvia's letter emblem. And in-between the tail lights, is would-be Nissan emblem. I say would-be, because "Nissan" is missing from it. Since this is one of the smaller details, I don't have a issue with it. 

The wheels are the last of the similarities. Like the Car Culture S15, this too is sporting black RR6SPs. White with black aftermarket wheels, will always make a Silvia look nice, and I love how the color scheme looks on this Hot Wheels model. At the end of the day, I really like the decision to make this S14 match the S15.

Okay readers, that's all five cars from this assortment. I honestly don't have a specific favorite from this case, as they are all great additions to any collection. Though I didn't, maybe you have a favorite. If so, feel free to let me know down in the comments section. Alright that's all for this edition of Looking at. Thanks for reading, and happy diecast collecting.

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