Well now, it's been a little bit since I last made one of these post. For anyone that might be new here, these post are made, when I complete my entire assortment want list. However, I'm not entirely done with this case. I ended up needing to make a store run for some supplies, and decided to check the diecast row. That's when I was able to find some of the cars off my list.
First off my list, was the recolor of the Batplane. As I've mentioned before, I love all the Hot Wheels recolors of Batman's different vehicles. Reason being, the DC Multiverse. So in my opinion, each one of these could be an official color for a different Batman. With that said, I really like their choice to use grey for this recolor. I feel that after black, grey is the next best color for a Batman vehicle.

This next car, is something that I was looking forward to. My very first Diecast BLVD post, went over the topic of Mattel wanting our vote for the next mainline Hot Wheels Flames. One of the cars I voted for, was the Ion Motors Thresher. At the time, I didn't now about this animated series over on Netflix. So seeing the silhouette of this car, I thought it was another realistic fantasy car from Hot Wheels, that resembled another one of their cars. One of the aspect that I like about this car, is the styling of it. In my eyes, it has all the body lines of a muscle car from the '70s. Now I had to pull up some pics of this car just to see how close Mattel got it. Personally, they did a good job! Especially with the slotted wheels they chose.

The third car off my list that I found, was the '52 Hudson Hornet. I'm so glad that this car is being used again. Although I have the Super Treasure Hunt that was released in 2016, I think I kinda like this one a little more. There are a couple of reasons for that. The design is the first reason. As much as I like the design on the 2016 piece, I feel that the details on this one are neater. Another thing I like over the 2016 one, is it's chrome base. Let's be honest here, would a Hudson Hornet race car really have gold chrome? I may be wrong, but I don't think so. The would be chrome side trim, is another tampo detail that this piece has, that the other one doesn't. The last thing I like about this one, is the DD8 wheels. Which in all honesty, are fitting for the overall theme of this piece.

The Custom Ford Maverick is the next car that I got. I have been in love with this casting since it made it's debut back in 2018. I still like the previous releases of this, but there's no way that I'm not going to like this one just a little bit more. For starters, flames are one of my favorite paint jobs. But when they're combined with flat black, it makes the car look absolutely mean. Especially when the flames are orange mixed with some red. I also like the use of grey PR5s. Grey being subtle, makes it so the main focus of this piece, is the magnificent paint job.

Like the last car, I really love the next one that was added to the collection. And that car is, the '64 Chevy Nova Station Wagon. Before this particular release, I didn't have one of these in my collection. So I'm glad they decided to use this casting again. The overall color scheme on this piece, is absolutely wicked. I really like the hue of orange that was chosen. As if the yellow and purple weren't already cool enough, the Hot Wheels design team went and threw in metallic blue sections around the outside of them. I really love the outer sections of this design, as the blue really makes everything pop when light is shined on it.
I love the fact that, this particular theme was also added to the hood. I mean if you're going to be wild with the flames, you might as well add them to as many sections of the car as you can. The DD8s were a nice addition as well. I just wish the lip was a different color.
Up next, is the recolor of the Volvo 850 Estate. I still can't get over how this was an actual car that raced in the BTCC. This is partially the reason, as why the initial release, is still my favorite. The overall color scheme on that one, is based on the actual car that raced. However, that doesn't take away from this recolors cool points. Unlike the white and blue one, the red section featured on this one, does add a little pizzazz to the overall design.
So it looks like Hot Wheels is going to be doing an Olympic themed mainline set. Which is the theme on this last car that I got. The sport that this Hi Beam is representing, is Artistic Gymnastics. overall, this could turn out to be an interesting set of cars to have. You'll know if I happen to get anymore from this set.
At the end of the day, this wasn't a bad find. Especially considering, I hadn't been out in a while, and these weren't the reason I left. So the hunt goes on for the rest of the cars from my want list. Of course, I don't know when that'll be, due to what's going on. If you got an opinion on any of these, feel free to let me know down in the comments. Alright that's all for this edition of Looking at. Thanks for reading, and happy diecast collecting.